Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pin Button Attraction

Buy Pin Button Attraction - $15

I don’t need to tell you how awesome Pinterest is or how it can generate massive traffic virally for your site or blog. I also don’t need to mention how tough it is to get traffic from Google these days or how crazy it is to rely on them as your sole source of traffic.

Everyone know this.

However, as killer as Pinterest is, there’s just one tiny little problem: Pinterest “PIN” buttons are usually placed next to or above the content in your blog post, mixed in with all the other data like the author name, number of comments, post date etc.

This means that not only are they way outside the visitor’s field of view but they’re camouflaged as well! And you know what they say: “Out of sight, Out of mind,”. So right now your visitors are skimming straight over all your great images without even thinking about pinning them. This means you’re losing out big time so what you need to do is…..

This way they have no choice but to think about pinning it, increasing the number of pins you receive on that image for the exact same amount of traffic.

However that's just one, single image.....

Buy Pin Button Attraction - $15

PS Pin Button Attraction is Pinterest On "Roids!
        There is simple nothing even remotely as powerful as this for getting more
        traffic from Pinterest. Put your "pin it" buttons to work for you, starting


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Great! The file uploaded properly. Now click the 'Verify my file' button to complete the process.

My Suggestion...Take Action NOW! Think Big!
Isn't It Time?